Qualified Candidates Database

Use the Wealth of Information in the Database to Find the Right Qualified Candidates

As part of the verification process, we require foreign applicants to submit a personal statement and screencast a video recording of their personal lectures. Prospective foreign teachers will be asked to describe their educational philosophy, methods, classroom focus, etc. in the questionnaire. The organization will become more familiar with the foreign teachers. In the 10-minute video uploaded by the tutor, the teaching skills, English accent, and personality of the teacher will be assessed along with quantifiable recommendations. We will conduct an interview with the tutor if they meet the requirements of the personal service package and pass the personal statement and video. Then, we will conduct an interview with the prospective tutor to assess their personality and motivation for teaching in China.

Then, we will provide all of this information to schools or organizations that may be interested in hiring the foreign teacher so that they can learn more about them and make a hiring decision. When hiring mentors, this matching process saves schools money and time. On our platform, they can search for and hire qualified tutors without having to worry about complicated procedures, background checks, or communication time costs.